
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Arrivals and Departures

The challenge of working in a creative field is finding the time and energy for your own interests. For many years, I've helped others pursue their artistic goals, or I've channeled my own creativity toward an institution's mission. I gave at the office and when I arrived home, there wasn't much time for me.

This blog, for instance. I started it in 2011 when I found myself living in a new state. I wanted to take some time to cook and write and photograph food while I looked for work.

About one year later, I landed a highly creative position and quickly found that there wasn't time for blogging. It was a fast-paced office and by the end of the day, I was tired and didn't want to spend more time in front of a computer. Instead, I wanted/needed to exercise and cook dinner and spend time with my husband.

Not only that, but the good daylight I'd relied on for shooting my pictures was now hard to come by.

I continued blogging at night and on weekends, but after a year, I found myself now leading a department of creatives in an organization with some pretty ambitious goals and expectations. The blog went on standby.

And three years later, here we are.

The corporate world being what it is, I've come out on the other side of a merger and downsizing. While it's not something you expect to happen, I'm truly OK with it. I worked with some great people, built an amazing team and we produced excellent work.

But the last four weeks have been pretty good, too. I've caught up on sleep, given attention to housework long ignored and reconnected with relaxation. It's springtime. This pause could not have happened at a more lovely time of year.

In this season of new beginnings, I'm thinking about what I want to do next, and that's exciting.

I'm also cooking more. There's a calmness that sets in when I'm in front of the stove.

But many of us know it's not enough to cook and eat. There's the conversation. Friends have asked hopefully if this new pause in my career means I'll return to the blog. Yes. Yes, it does. Stay tuned.