
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seven Ways to Use Preserved Lemons and a Fast, Easy Recipe

Preserved Meyer Lemons

Ever since Patricia Wells made preserved lemons look so easy, I’ve kept a jar in the refrigerator. I love the sunny, salty, citrusy kick they add to dishes.

The important thing to remember about cooking with lemon confit is that you will need to adjust (and perhaps eliminate) any additional salt in the recipe. This is when you must salt to taste.

How do you use preserved lemons? I’d love to hear your ideas. In the meantime, here are some suggestions from my kitchen:

Seven Ways to Use Preserved Lemons

1. Freshly cooked green beans
Mix with a bit of olive oil and toss. Try this with broccoli and asparagus, too.

2. Corn on the cob
Make a compound butter: Add lemon to softened butter, roll into a log, and freeze. Melt slices of this butter onto hot corn on the cob.

3. Soft cheeses
Stir into a soft goat cheese as a bruschetta topping. Thinned with buttermilk, this makes a quick salad dressing.

4. Salad dressings
Add lemon to your favorite vinaigrette recipe. Mix with mayonnaise for potato salad or to stuff eggs.

5. Beans
Preserved lemon will enhance the garlicky flavors of hummus. Add lemon confit to bowl of white beans seasoned with rosemary and garlic.

6. Chicken
Just before serving a roast chicken, sprinkle a bit of preserved lemon for an aromatic and flavorful garnish.

7. Pasta
One of my favorite pasta dishes is alio, olio e peperoncino — spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and crushed red pepper. Lemon adds a bright note.

Quick Lemon Confit
adapted from Salad as a Meal by Patricia Wells

2 lemons
1/3 cup coarse sea salt
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (will take 3 to 4 lemons)
one jar or small ceramic crock

Wash and dry the lemons. Slice each one lengthwise into 8 wedges. Mix the lemons, juice and salt in a glass or ceramic bowl. Transfer to the container. Close the lid and let the lemons sit out for 2 days. Then store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

1 comment:

  1. I have just opened a jar of preserved lemons I made back in July....I have used them in salsa which is great....I plan to try lemon rice as well as the pasta dish too......I haven't tried this yet but I think chicken salad would be an added I put different things in chicken salad such as black olives, ginger, red pepper, etc. Lemons....well that would be great.


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