
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD: Baking with Julia - White Loaves

White Loaf for TWD: Baking with Julia
I’m so happy to be joining Tuesdays with Dorie. In the new series some 300 bloggers will explore Baking with Julia, the companion book to Julia Child’s PBS television program that featured guest bakers and their recipes. The book is Dorie Greenspan’s baby in that she wrote introductions to each recipe and edited the entire collection.

We begin with a simple loaf of white bread from chef Craig Kominiak. This is not a flimsy, soft white pillow. It is a sturdy yet tender crumb surrounded by a toothsome crust. A real loaf of bread. We loved it toasted with scrambled eggs piled on top, and it was just right alongside a hearty soup. My husband recommends it with peanut butter.

This is an entirely manageable recipe for busy people. You can prepare and bake this bread all in the span of a few hours. Start at breakfast, have it for lunch. Start at lunch, have it for teatime or supper. Start when you get home from work and it’s done by bedtime. The next morning you have toast for breakfast.

I’ve made the recipe twice already. Once mixed, the dough needs a 45-minute rise. Then you just punch it down, roll into shape and nestle into a buttered loaf pan. Let it rise for another 45 minutes or so. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes and you’re done. Then wait patiently for your reward.

If you’ve always wanted to make your own basic loaf of white bread, now’s a good time to begin. Take a look at the recipe on the blogs of today’s hosts, Laurie at slush and Jules at Someone’s in the Kitchen.


  1. Your bread looks great! We loved it too.

  2. The bread looks really pretty! Nice job, and welcome to the group!!

  3. Beautiful loaves and great photography! It's great to be a part of this community of bakers.

  4. Just beautiful! Your loaves came out perfectly~

  5. What a pretty, golden loaf!
    I like the idea of egss on top.

  6. Yum, your bread looks and sounds just delicious!

  7. What a beautiful loaf. I also like the light and airy crumb. Great job! :o)

  8. Thanks, everyone! I really enjoyed making this bread — and visiting your blogs!


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