
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TWD: Blueberry and Nectarine Pie from Baking with Julia

Blueberry Nectarine Pie
Blueberries and nectarines harmonize in this tasty pie from Baking with Julia. There's just enough sweet and tart, and it reminds you of why the best wines and perfumes involve multiple notes. In fact, I think this combination improves a straight-up blueberry pie. (A plain peach or nectarine pie, though, is perfect on its own.)

My only suggested modification for this pie is to add some powdered instant tapioca to the filling. I don't like a runny pie filling and this one ran just a little bit. That's merely an aesthetic issue. The flavor was outstanding.

Every two weeks, a group of bloggers cook from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan. Today's pie is hosted by Liz at That Skinny Chick Can Bake and by Hillary of Manchego Kitchen. Visit their blogs to get the recipes, and check out blogs by the rest of the gang at Tuesdays with Dorie.


  1. Looks great! Did you cut your crust in circles for the top?

  2. I love the way you layered little discs of dough for the top crust - it looks wonderful.

  3. Your pie looks nice.
    We loved the filling!


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