
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Popovers for Tuesdays with Dorie

Popovers hot from the oven, a recipe from Baking with Julia.

I love proportional recipes that can be altered without the need for higher math, or calculators or digital scales or scratching out division in the margins of your cookbook.

Take these popovers from Baking with Julia. The amounts of milk, eggs and flour are easily divided by three, thus allowing me to make 2/3 batch. One-third of the recipe would not yield enough while the full recipe would have required more muffin tins than I had available. Perfect.

I cannot remember the last time I baked your classic, everyday individual popovers. Usually I make one huge recipe in my cast iron skillet, pouring the batter over about one pound of sautéed mushrooms seasoned with thyme and garlic. After about 45 minutes, an impressive crown has risen and the batter has sealed tightly around the mushrooms, and it’s quite a sight to see, not to mention a delight to consume.

Tonight’s popovers, though, are plain and simple, ready for whatever adornment you can imagine. A little peach or strawberry jam, or some lemon curd (made with a proportional recipe, too, as a matter of fact).

Every two weeks, a group of bloggers cook from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan. Today’s popover recipe is hosted by Paula at Vintage Kitchen Notes and by Amy of Bake with Amy. Visit their sites to get the recipes. Be sure to check out blogs from other participating bakers at Tuesdays with Dorie.


  1. They came out wonderful! I just love the idea of a skillet popover.

  2. Your giant mushroom popover sounds divine!

  3. Loved this recipe, your popovers are perfect. Ready for anything!

  4. I noticed the proportionality too. what baking temps do you use for a large popover; the mushroom one you described is intriguing!

  5. Your popovers came out beautifully. Hope you enjoyed.
    The mushroom skillet version sounds very tasty.

  6. Love your idea for the mushroom skillet popover!


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